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Phoenix Within Blog


By Gabrielle Caldon MSEd, LMHC

Your cell phone reads 2:30 AM. It’s happening again — your mind is racing as you go over the day's stress, wondering if you handled things in the best way. You turn over, hoping to get some sleep before the alarm goes off. And it seems to work…until thoughts of your morning meeting pop into your mind, filling you with dread and making your heart pound. You finally start to drift off around 4:00 AM, resigned to another exhausting day of low energy.

You’re tired. Tired of being tired. Tired of being stressed. Tired of being short-tempered and cranky around your friends and family. Your job is really stressful and you don’t have the time to figure out how to cope with it. So you’re also tired of having people constantly asking if you’re ok.

You wish you had more energy. You want to go out with your friends, spend time with your family, and just enjoy life. You can’t even remember the last time you had a fun night out or some me-time. The stress and anxiety are just too much.

You know things can’t continue in this way but you don’t know what to do to feel better. And you feel so alone.

Good news: there IS a way to feel like yourself again.

At Phoenix Within Mental Health Counseling, based in New York, we understand where you’re coming from. We’ve worked with many clients who feel exactly the way you do so just know you’re not alone. We’re in this together and we’re going to help you find a way through this.

Why Your Mental Health Should Be a Priority

Poor mental health affects more than three in ten New Yorkers, especially since the pandemic. But people are still very uncomfortable talking about mental health. And they are even more uncomfortable to admit they need help.

What’s important to understand about mental health is that it is a part of your sense of well-being. It’s not just about mental illnesses or disorders but also about:

  • Your interactions with other people

  • Your awareness of yourself and how you think

  • How you react to events in your life

  • How you cope with stress

  • Your decision making

When you think about it, how you think, react, and feel has a HUGE impact on your day-to-day routine. It affects so many parts of your life: your self-esteem, your job, your relationships. Our mind is a powerful tool that works for us, but just like any other tool, it sometimes needs a little help to work at its best.

How Mental Health Counseling Benefits You

You may be wondering how talking to a stranger once a week is going to make a difference in your life. Mental health counselors and therapists help you understand your thoughts, feelings, and reactions. You learn how what is happening in your mind affects your actions. They are an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on when you need some support to get you through a difficult time. Their goal is to give you the tools you need to transform your life.

Some of the benefits of mental health therapy include:

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Self-regulation

  • Improved interpersonal skills

  • Decreased levels of depression and anxiety

  • Improved quality of life.

Let’s go more in-depth with each of the points mentioned above.

Increased Self-awareness

Personal change and growth begins with becoming aware of who you are and how you think and react. The mind is fascinating and it can make split-second connections between events that we don’t even realize. Your child throwing their food all over the floor might trigger intense feelings of anger that may be connected to your own childhood experiences. A mental health counselor helps you learn how your brain processes and makes connections. Becoming aware of how we think helps us understand our reactions. When we understand our reactions and where they come from, we can change how we react to different situations.


Stressful events such as messing up at work, having a serious argument, or losing your job can be hard to manage. We are more emotionally sensitive during difficult times. It’s easy to lash out at those around us or be unkind to ourselves because our feelings are overwhelming. Working with a mental health therapist teaches you how to manage your feelings in ways that are healthier for you. You don’t need to feel like your feelings are in control and you are helpless to stop them.

Improved Interpersonal Skills

It’s almost impossible to avoid interacting with people in today’s world. No matter where you live or work, you are going to come across other people who have different personalities. Some are friendly, others are rude, and a few just rub you the wrong way. You can’t change who they are BUT you can choose what the interaction will look and feel like. Working with a mental health counselor helps you improve your interpersonal skills. You get better at speaking, listening, and responding to different personalities in different situations because you are more aware of yourself and in control of your responses.

Decreased Levels of Depression and Anxiety

According to the World Health Organization, depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health conditions people struggle with in the world. So it’s not surprising to learn that almost 600,000 New Yorkers were diagnosed with either anxiety or a mood disorder like depression in 2022. Both depression and anxiety are chronic conditions, which means that they can last for years and seriously impact your everyday life. Getting counseling for your mental health can give you relief from the symptoms of these conditions, such as sleep problems, appetite changes, negative feelings, and fears or phobias.

Improved Quality of Life

A good night’s sleep, excitement over making plans with your friends, feeling calm when life’s stresses come at you, these are all things we want. So it’s frustrating when our thoughts and feelings are stopping us. But becoming self-aware, learning to regulate our emotions, improving our interpersonal skills, and addressing any feelings of depression or anxiety lead to a more satisfying life. You feel like yourself and you ENJOY the day-to-day. Mental health therapy is the tool that brings all this within your reach.

Find the Right Counselor for You

If you’re on the fence about looking for a counselor, it’s ok, we understand. It can feel scary and overwhelming, especially when you don’t know where to look. That’s why we’re here to help you. So, what’s next?

At Phoenix Within Mental Health Counseling, our goal is to help you transform your life safely and comfortably. That’s why we offer free 15-minute phone consultations. It’s a safe and low-risk way to meet a counselor and get a taste of what counseling is all about. The consultation also allows the counselor to understand what you need and make recommendations.

At Phoenix Within Mental Health Counseling, we offer:

  • Counseling sessions based on your individual needs

  • Telehealth sessions for greater flexibility

  • Counseling for individuals, couples, and families

  • A sliding scale for services

Get one step closer to feeling better by scheduling your free consultation.

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